Proposal: I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool
Self-killed. -coppro
Adminned at 27 Oct 2011 11:06:13 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Birth of the Cool” with the following text
Each player has a potentially negative integer level of coolness, tracked in the GNDT in a column called cool. New players start with 0 cool. Players with negative amounts of cool are said to be Uncool. Players with positive amounts of cool are said to be Cool.
Create the following subrule of the above rule called “Lingo” with the following text
Certain words or phrases are cool. Other words or phrases are uncool. Cool and uncool words and phrases are tracked in a wikipage called “Lingo”, with cool words and phrases tracked in a section called “Cool Lingo” and uncool words and phrases tracked in a section called “Uncool Lingo”. Any time a proposal passes, right before the proposal is enacted the player who proposed the proposal has X added to their cool where X is equal to the number of lines from the Cool Lingo section page that appears in his proposal, not including the flavour text minus the number of lines from the Uncool Lingo section page that appears in his proposal, again not including the flavour text.
Create a wikipage called “Lingo” with the sections “Cool Lingo” and “Uncool Lingo” both originally empty.
I realize this is stylistically similar to the The Faux Pas rule, but I think that was a cool mechanic that wasn’t fully explored before, and this should pevent potentially locking up the gamestate. Even if someone makes “a” uncool, anyone who uses an a in their proposals just loses a cool, not that bad. There isn’t anything inheriently “better” about being Cool or Uncool either (at least currently) so we’d just need to make sure we don’t get in a situtation where people don’t want to propose anything because anything that passes would give them -500 cool.
ais523: Custodian