Proposal: I wish for a Pony!
Adminned at 12 Dec 2009 12:53:02 UTC
Create a new rule with the title “Possessions and Statuses”:
Each adventurer may have one posession and one status, tracked by the GNDT.
Any possession or status is valid, except for “Djinn”.
The effects that a possession or status has is listed in the possessions subrule or statuses subrule respectively. If a possession or status has no listed effect, then it is not considered to have one.
If an adventurer recieves a possession or status but already has one, then the new possession or status replaces the old one, except if the effect of a possession or status says otherwise.
An Adventurer may only obtain a possession or status as the ruleset or gamestate documents permit.
Create a subrule of “Possessions and Statuses” called “Possessions”, with the text:
None - An adventurer with this possession is not considered to have any possessions.
Create a subrule of “Possessions and Statuses” called “Statuses”, with the text:
None - An adventurer with this status is not considered to have a status.
All new players start with the possession “None”. All new players start with the status “None”.
Give the possession “None” and the status “None” to all players.
Where’s the fun in wishes if you can’t wish for infinite wealth or to turn someones skin blue?
Possessions are meant to be for things like infinite wealth while statuses are meant for magical effects like immortality.
In case you’re wondering, the words possessions and statuses are said 16 times each. Wait, make that 17.
redtara: they/them