Proposal: I Wonder How They Taste
Withdrawn. Josh
Adminned at 14 Dec 2024 20:10:08 UTC
Add the following Items to the list in “Items”:
* Crystal of Avarice: steal an Item from the Inventory of a Snail on the Track.
* Crystal of Plenty: gain three additional copies of a non-Crystal Item in your Inventory.
Replace the description of the Crystal of Moderateness with “Remove all Items from the Snail(s) who have the most Items, then remove all Crystals of Moderateness from your Inventory. (Passive effect: you may not Discard any other type of Item)”.
Replace the description of the Discard Play with “remove one Item from your Items and apply its non-Passive effects”.
Add the following paragraph before the last paragraph in “Items”:
If it has been less than 24 hours since the most recent Race started, no Snail may Discard any non-Crystal Items.
Making the Crystal of Moderateness simpler and less toothless, as well as adding in some more Crystal Items (with the common theme that they can be used during the grace period and don’t have any concrete effect other than shuffling items around).
Josh: he/they