Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Proposal: Icing Up

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 Aug 2015 08:00:54 UTC

Add a subrule to “Corporate Defence” called “Security”:

A Corp Name may have zero or more Security Measures, tracked as non-numeral characters in the Corp Name’s “Tool” field.

At any time, a Hacker may reduce its Corp Name’s Defence Score or Secrets by 1 to add any Security Measure to that Corp Name.

Valid Security Measures and their effects are:

  • | - Firewall - Each Firewall a Corp Name has negates the rightmost Subroutine in the Hack Tool of any Codename which makes a Hack against that Corp Name.
  • @ - Honeypot - Each Honeypot a Corp Name has negates the leftmost Subroutine in the Hack Tool of any Codename which makes a Hack against that Corp Name.
  • ) - Shield - Adds +1 to the Defence Score of this Corp Name.

Simpler reproposal of ShareDVI’s Defence Tools; less confusing (we had “Subroutines that currently exist are as follows” twice) and possibly more interesting if they work a bit differently.


Josh: he/they

11-08-2015 09:33:38 UTC

Note: “a Hacker may reduce its Corp Name’s Tool”: Corp Names have Defence Scores instead of Tools

Kevan: he/him

11-08-2015 09:35:09 UTC

Thanks, fixed it.

Josh: he/they

11-08-2015 09:35:54 UTC



11-08-2015 10:36:13 UTC



11-08-2015 11:18:26 UTC


I like it.

My idea was that you could combo-break another Corp’S defences by adding shields and such.


11-08-2015 18:34:01 UTC


Darknight: he/him

11-08-2015 20:50:28 UTC
