Proposal: I’d deal with this crisis, if it weren’t for the red tape
Reached quorum 20 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 28 Jan 2010 09:16:48 UTC
Part 1:
If there is a rule entitled “Crises”, then add the following to the end of the first paragraph of that rule:
For purposes of the clause in the “Proposals” core rule, the phrase “(unless the Guest already has 2 Proposals pending)” shall be deemed to exclude any Proposal that is a Crisis. No Guest may have more than 2 Crisis Proposals pending at any time.
Part 2: If more than half of the EVCs to this proposal include the phrase “one is enough”, then replace the phrase “more than 2 Crisis Proposals” in Part 1 with the phrase “more than 1 Crisis Proposal”.