Proposal: Idle Emperors Are the Devil’s Playground
1-6. Times out.—Chronos
Adminned at 25 Feb 2007 09:51:48 UTC
Add to rule 1.8:
If the current Investor becomes idle, any Administrator may make a proposal to demote the Investor to an Actor and hold an election to determine a new Investor. Because such an action would represent a major change in Gamestate, a quorum of FOR votes must be reached for the Proposal to be considered PASSED. If the proposal has been pending for longer than 48 hours and does not have a quorum of FOR votes, it shall be considered FAILED.
Upon the enactment of a proposal to replace an idle Investor, an Administrator shall make a post titled “ELECTION”. Within 96 hours of the enactment of a proposal to replace an idle Investor, any Actor may nominate a new Investor by making a Comment to the post titled “ELECTION”, stating “I nominate [Actor’s name] for Investor.” Only the latest nomination from each Actor shall be counted. Whichever Actor is the subject of the most counted nominations at the end of the 96 hour period shall be become the new Investor. E may choose to continue the current Dynasty, or e may choose to end the current Dynasty and begin a new one.
I made this proposal because I feel it is silly to have an Idle Investor and no way to remove em from power. Note that this proposal does not constitute a call to replace Doremi, I just think the option should be available.