Proposal: idle fix
Reaches quorum at 18-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 04 Mar 2010 02:28:03 UTC
In Rule “1.2 Commoners” replace “Admins may render a Commoner Idle if that Commoner has asked to become Idle or if that Commoner has not posted an entry or comment for more than 7 days.” with
Admins may render a Commoner Idle if that Commoner has asked to become Idle or if that Commoner has not posted an entry or comment in the last seven days.
Just another little fix.
Lots of Commoners do nothing for 7 days and idle then more or less automatically. But then, they could be idled at any time, because they have “not posted an entry or comment for more then 7 days”. These 7 days may not be the last 7 days, but any 7 days in the past.
I dont think any Admin would idle a Commoner, because he has not post a comment for 7 days months ago, but they should not able to do this, I think.
Kevan: he/him