Proposal: Idle Hands
2-11. Cannot reach quorum w/o CoV.
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 12:06:32 UTC
Create a new Impulse named Hands:
There are two Hands which may be controlled by Voices, a Left Hand and a Right Hand. A Voice may take control of a Hand by Whispering to it. If more than one player Whispers to an individual Hand, the player who most recently had a proposal pass controls the Hand. A player who controls a Hand may perform one of the following actions often.:
Write: The player may write an additional proposal over the normal proposal limit.
Wrestle: The player cancels an Action performed by the other Hand as long as no more than 24 hours has passed since the other Hand performed the action.
Craft: The player crafts a Gamepiece.
If no player is whispering to a Hand, that Hand is controlled by the Ego.
and a new Impulse called Gamepieces
There will be a number of game entities called Gamepieces. Gamepieces will be recorded on a Wiki page. Each Gamepiece will have three values:
Handedness: If the piece was crafted by the Left Hand, it will be a Left-Handed Gamepiece, and if it was crafted by the Right Hand, it will be a Right-Handed Gamepiece.
Name: A unique name.
Crafter: The Voice which crafted the Gamepiece.
i love it for two reasons, reminds me of my dynasty, and yet it doesn’t do anything like what hands did in my dynasty.
BUT does this mean the moment this passes the ego can craft two gamepieces? does the ego count as a voice in this?