Proposal: Idle Hands are the Devil’s Playthings
Times out 3-2 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 14 May 2023 16:47:12 UTC
If the subrule “Regional Development Fora” exists, remove the following bullet point from it:
* The Region’s current Municipal Authority level;
And replace the text:
For Effortful motions, the number in the square brackets with the word ‘Effortful’ is its Effort Value.
with this text:
For Effortful motions, the text in the square brackets following the word ‘Effortful’ is the formula used to calculate the Effort Value at the time that this Regional Development Forum event was created, where the value “Active” is the number of non-idle City Architects who control Cities in that Region.
And replace this text:
when all City Architects who control Cities in that Region have posted a valid response to it.
with this text:
when all non-Idle City Architects who control Cities in that Region have posted a valid response to it.
And replace this text:
Build [Effortful 3]
with this text:
Build [Effortful Active]
And replace this text:
Develop [Effortful 5]
with this text:
Develop [Effortful Active + 2]
After recent discussion that Idled Architects leave behind Cities that are all but abandoned, I realized that those cities will be a drag on others in the Region. They could remove the City, but then they would lose some advantages of having the City around. This provides another option: using the Regional Development Forum, if it ever exists, to manage Cities left behind in this way. This requires some changes in the way that the Regional Development Forums work, especially with Effortful Motions.
SingularByte: he/him
You probably don’t need to worry about spelling out that it’s a specifically a non-idle city architect for most of this, even if Memorial passes. Cities controlled by an idle city architect are classed as being controlled, but the owners aren’t city architects.
The relevant rules would either have to refer to controllers, or refer to idle city architects to start caring about idle ones.