Proposal: If It Isn’t Nailed Down…
Reaches quorum 7-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:46:35 UTC
If any of the Proposals “How To Heist”, “Security”, or “Get Cracking” did not pass, then this Proposal has no effect.
Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Bolted to the Ground {M}”:
{{{Any attempt by a Heist Action to modify text that lies between a matching pair of {curly brackets} instead does nothing.}}}
A curly bracket may not match with any other curly bracket outside of its rule.
In the rule “Tools of the Trade {M}”, replace the list of valid characters for the Heist Action defined therein with:
one of the 26 letters of the English alphabet, its 10 numerals, commas, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, curly brackets, and full stops
Append the following paragraph to the rule “Security {I}”:
The title of a rule may not be modified through the application of a Heist action.
A way to have there be some tenuous protection behind rulestext that can be chipped away at through successively removing curly brackets, instead of a plain binary “either you can change the rule or you can’t”.
Writing this made me look at the titles of the rules and realize that you could arguably modify the mutable rules’ titles to prevent proposals from doing their thing (or even make rules immutable), which is a boring scam and so this also includes an unrelated fix for that.
You probably want to restrict the “if any of the proposals” condition to the current dynasty. I’m pretty sure I’ve made failing proposals in the past.
I am in favour of this sort of protection (especially the intentionally imperfect nature of it). As for the side fix, “Dynastic actions amend rules to stop proposals working” is something that I was aware of as a problem and was very likely to need a fix, and this is a good step in that direction.