Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Proposal: If It Looks Like A Duck [Special Case]

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Sep 2023 08:26:51 UTC

In “Official Posts”, replace:-

Secondly, if a post by a New Punter is not in any category but follows the wording of a Proposal, in that it has written changes the gamestate and or Ruleset, and if it has been posted for less than six hours, then any Admin may change it to be in the Proposal category. A New Punter is defined as a Punter who has been a Punter for fewer than seven days or a Punter that has unidled in the past seven days after being idle for at least 3 months.


Secondly, if a post is less than six hours old and appears to the Bookie to have been intended as a Proposal, and if its author does not already have two Proposals pending, then the Bookie may move it into the Proposal category, causing it to be considered to have been open for voting since the time that the post was first posted.

To “Malign Emperors”, add to the first paragraph:-

The Bookie may not use the rule “Official Posts” to move posts into the proposal category.

This rule has been around for years without, I think, ever actually being successfully deployed. Rafter’s proposal attempt below is within the six-hour window, but having been here a few weeks they are no longer considered to be a “New Punter” - and even regular, veteran players occasionally make this mistake by misclicking the interface. Maybe we should make the whole thing less strict, and limit its usage to the (non-Malign) Bookie so that it can’t be applied tactically.

Not sure what the hours should be - six isn’t always enough if the Emperor is asleep, but twelve seems like too much if a post that not everyone thought of as being intended as a proposal can suddenly become enactable as one. I’ll leave it at the status quo for now.


Josh: he/they

06-09-2023 09:05:37 UTC

What is the status of votes cast on a pseudo-proposal before it is switched into the proposal category?

Kevan: he/him

06-09-2023 09:10:42 UTC

Should be the same as the status of someone casting a pseudo-vote on a proposal while idle, and then unidling, which I think we play as the vote becoming legal.

“A Punter’s Vote on a Votable Matter is the last valid voting icon that they have used in any comment on that Votable Matter.” seems like the key to it. If it’s a votable matter and it’s got a voting icon in a comment from someone who is currently a Punter, then it’s a vote, however all those things might have come about.

Josh: he/they

06-09-2023 12:47:23 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

06-09-2023 14:44:44 UTC



07-09-2023 06:12:30 UTC
