Friday, April 30, 2010

Proposal: If others can “steal” proposals, so can I

S/Ked. Ien.

Adminned at 01 May 2010 07:26:51 UTC

To the list of NPCs in rule 2.4 “Floating Voters”, add the following NPCs:

Haiku Sensei
The Haiku Sensei’s Voting Intention is equal to the author of the most recent passed proposal this dynasty which was written entirely as a sequence of one or more haikus (for the purpose of this rule, a haiku is a three-line poem whose lines have 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively, and which references, possibly obliquely, spring, summer, autumn, or winter), or “Undecided” if there is no such Voter.
Murphy O’Limerick
Murphy O’Limerick’s Voting Intention is equal to the author of the most recent passed proposal this dynasty which was written entirely as a sequence of one or more limericks (for the purpose of this rule, a limerick is a five-line poem in which the first, second, and fifth lines have 8 or 9 syllables each (with all having 8, or all having 9) and rhyme, and the third and fourth lines have 5 syllables each and rhyme), or “Undecided” if there is no such Voter.

This was originally spikebrennan’s idea, but I like it.


redtara: they/themIdle

30-04-2010 00:27:59 UTC

against Will encourage voting against proposals authored by candidates that a particular voter does not wish to win.

Klisz: Idle

30-04-2010 01:03:07 UTC


Klisz: Idle

30-04-2010 01:05:04 UTC

There once was a man
From Peru, whose lim’ricks all
Look’d like haiku. He

Said with a laugh “I
Cut them in half, the pay is
Much better for two.”

Darknight: he/himIdle

30-04-2010 01:47:10 UTC


redtara: they/themIdle

30-04-2010 01:57:13 UTC

Each line of a haiku (and, iirc, a limerick as well) has to make sense by itself.

spikebrennan: Idle

30-04-2010 02:17:58 UTC


spikebrennan: Idle

30-04-2010 02:45:49 UTC

I will think up some dynastic rules
with my wit and my words as my tools.
So read my manifesto,
Because it is the besto.
If I don’t get your votes, you’re damn fools!

Josh: he/they

30-04-2010 06:13:35 UTC


dbdougla: Idle

30-04-2010 07:58:16 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

30-04-2010 08:30:26 UTC


lordcooper: Idle

30-04-2010 10:41:40 UTC

against Limericks are the lowest from of poetry…

Put: Idle

30-04-2010 11:08:23 UTC


Keba: Idle

30-04-2010 13:22:57 UTC

I do not like poems.  against (I know Haikus and Limericks are not that hard, but anyways…)

Galdyn: Idle

30-04-2010 13:33:23 UTC

against People will just try to make their proposals as poems and the other recent proposals just prove how unintelligible they can become.

Igthorn: Idle

30-04-2010 17:01:29 UTC

Though a haiku themed dynasty would, I reckon, be cool.

ais523: Custodian

30-04-2010 18:12:42 UTC

against s/k, this seems too unpopular to force on people.