Thursday, March 11, 2010

Proposal: If you are far, far away…

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 Mar 2010 02:41:04 UTC

If the Proposal titled “All England was divided into 39 parts…” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

To Rule “You can run, but you can’t hide” add:

Commoners, who are in neighboured Counties may be reffered as “Neighbours”. If a Commoner is the only Commoner in a County, they may be reffered as “Lonelies”. If a Commoner is a “Lonely” and has no Neighbours, they might be reffered as “Total Lonelies”.

A “Lonely” may scavange Ressources at twice and a “Total Lonely” as triple the rates detailed in Rule 2.1, but their Coal is simply increased by their Income. If they have a “Dirigible” Workshop and want to scavange using the Dirigible’s power, a “Lonely” may scavange as 6 times and a “Total Lonely” as 9 times the rates detailed in Rule 2.1.

To the first bullet list of Rule 2.1.1 titled “Trading” add:

The Commoner who made the offer and the Commoner who wants to accept the offer, are in the same County.

In Rule 2.1 titled “Commoner’s Economy” replace “Commoners can transfer their own Resources to other Commoners, at will.” with

Commoners can transfer their own Resources to other Commoners, at will, if they are in the same County.

In Rule 2.5 titled “Raiding” replace “As a weekly action, a Commoner can Raid by contacting the Mad Prince privately (via private message, IRC, or email at callforjudgement at, stating that they are Raiding that week.” with:

As a weekly action, a Commoner, who is in the County “Dorset”, can Raid by contacting the Mad Prince privately (via private message, IRC, or email at callforjudgement at, stating that they are Raiding that week.

Add a Subrule titled “Traveler” to Rule 2.2 titled “Inventions”:

Cost: 3 Iron, 15 Caffeine   Power Requirement: 2
A Commoner, who owns an Invention with a “Traveler” may also trade with Neighbours and are allowed to transfer Ressources to their Neighbours. If they stay in a County, which neighbours “Dorset”, they are also allowed to Raid.

There need to be some advantages of other Counties. I thought of a list like “This County has more wood, so you can scavange more Wood there.”, but I dont like to check all these facts, because I do not know English geography that well…

So I thought, if there is no other Nomic-Commoner, they can scavange more. But of course, they cannot interact with other Commoners that well then…



11-03-2010 15:28:39 UTC

for Needs a bit of tweaking (I think long-distance trading/raiding should be a bit easier), but it’s probably better to fix it in a fix proposal rather than by redoing this one.


11-03-2010 15:34:47 UTC

against  Sounds boring. I would rather give certain counties special abilities, such as “You gain twice your income in Coal, instead of just your income, when you scavenge in Essex” or whatever.

Josh: Observer he/they

11-03-2010 16:38:34 UTC

against I have a better idea.


11-03-2010 16:55:07 UTC

CoV imperial I’m worried about the undue influence a sort-of FOR rather than strong FOR could have on whether this proposal passes. If it looks very close, I’ll switch back to FOR, but I don’t want to force it through with a bunch of DEFERENTIALs against a bunch of AGAINSTs.


11-03-2010 23:49:23 UTC


Darknight: he/him

12-03-2010 03:18:06 UTC


Roujo: he/him

12-03-2010 03:35:56 UTC

for A good idea =)
I’m looking forward to seeing what others want to propose on the matter.

Kevan: he/him

12-03-2010 09:01:49 UTC

against In favour of Josh’s proposal to increase yield for specific resources in specific counties.


12-03-2010 09:03:19 UTC



12-03-2010 09:55:34 UTC

against S/K because of Josh´s idea :) Also, I do not think this Proposal would be enacted…