Proposal: I’m Hungry (fo real)
Passes 4-3 after 48 hours.—Clucky
Adminned at 18 Jul 2008 20:19:21 UTC
Add the following the list of attributes
VOR, a measure of the adventurer’s ability to consume foodstuff and drinkstuff.
Replace the list of racial stats with the following
* Elves have an Initial Value of 4 for STR, 3 for SPD, 6 for INT, 4 for SOC and 3 for VOR.
* Fairies have an Initial Value of 1 for STR, 6 for SPD, 6 for INT, 5 for SOC and 2 for VOR.
* Gnomes have an Initial Value of 3 for STR, 4 for SPD, 3 for INT, 6 for SOC and 4 for VOR.
* Dwarves have an Initial Value of 6 for STR, 2 for SPD, 3 for INT, 4 for SOC and 5 for VOR.
* Ogres have an Initial Value of 10 for STR, 2 for SPD, 1 for INT, 2 for SOC and 5 for VOR.
* Humans have an Initial Value of 4 for STR, 4 for SPD, 4 for INT, 4 for SOC and 4 for VOR.
* Babies have an Initial Value of 1 for STR, 2 for SPD, 1 for INT, 2 for SOC and 2 for VOR.
If more than half of the adventures, including the Dungeon Master, include the phrase “I’m a Hungry Baby” make the starting VOR stat for babies 5 instead of 2.
VOR is funny. And five attributes open more options than four, IMO.