Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Proposal: I’m still hungry

Fails, 14-1. Josh

Adminned at 10 Apr 2010 00:16:12 UTC

In Rule 2.3 entitled “Energy” replace “As a weekly action, a Colonist may rest, and set his Energy to 100.” with:

As a weekly action, a Colonist may rest while either removing 3 Food from the Colony Stockpile and setting their Energy to 100 or (at the Colonist‘s choice) adding 10 Food to the Colony Stockpile

This introduces eating, but without the possibility to get stuck for a whole week.

If everyone has an Energy near zero and there is no Food in the Stockpile, someone could add 10 Food to the Stockpile instead of resting. So we can’t get stuck that way, as at least two other Colonists could rest normally then and add lots of Food to the Stockpile. Of course we should avoid to need to do so.



07-04-2010 23:55:21 UTC



07-04-2010 23:57:35 UTC

The wording is ambiguous, though.  Is that (remove 3 food and (set energy to 100 or add 10 food)) or ((remove 3 food and set energy to 100) or add 10 food) ?


07-04-2010 23:59:13 UTC

imperial  The latter, clearly.


08-04-2010 00:16:38 UTC

@ Tiberias: Well, I’ve thought about this problem, too. But I assume that the “either ... or” construction should be clear enough. If it meant “(remove 3 food and (set energy to 100 or add 10 food))”, the “either” wouldn’t make any sense anymore, so it‘s “((remove 3 food and set energy to 100) or add 10 food)”

Even if it were ambiguous, 100 Energy are worth 10 Wood, so I can‘t see why someone could abuse the “ambiguousnes” then, if there is any.

Oracular rufio:

08-04-2010 01:21:56 UTC

imperial I’m not sure it makes sense to add food by forfeiting a rest.  I still think it would be more Fun if everyone went insane and died in the even of a famine, seeing as death isn’t permanent and all.

Oracular rufio:

08-04-2010 01:22:10 UTC

imperial I’m not sure it makes sense to add food by forfeiting a rest.  I still think it would be more Fun if everyone went insane and died in the event of a famine, seeing as death isn’t permanent and all.


08-04-2010 02:08:18 UTC


Kevan: he/him

08-04-2010 08:03:46 UTC


Josh: he/they

08-04-2010 08:08:15 UTC

against Not sure about the adding-10-food option.


08-04-2010 14:12:02 UTC


Kevan: he/him

08-04-2010 14:32:43 UTC

[Josh] Voluntary cannibalism, maybe?


08-04-2010 17:43:24 UTC



08-04-2010 21:24:13 UTC

While Keba says it’s (remove 3 food and (set energy to 100 or add 10 food)), I can only interpret as ((remove 3 food and set energy to 100) or add 10 food), as because removing and adding at the same time is very odd. I don’t like CfJs, so against . Also, adding food is odd in and of itself.


08-04-2010 21:55:06 UTC

You misunderstood Keba’s comment, Darth. The intended interpretation, which is made clear by Keba’s use of either-or, is the one you’re reading.

1)remove 3 food and set energy to 100, or
2)add 10 food


08-04-2010 23:21:43 UTC

Hm, this is failing again, but there is some humor: My last Food proposal failed because we could get stuck. This proposal will fail, because no one likes the part, which avoids getting stuck. :P

I know, I am simplifying here a lot, but I think this is a funny fact :)


08-04-2010 23:34:40 UTC

@Ornithopter: Ah, okay.  imperial  CoV again.

@Keba: Yeah, but here the stuck-avoidance makes no logical sense outside of gameplay.

Roujo: he/him

09-04-2010 01:20:04 UTC

One more deferential! =D


09-04-2010 02:05:58 UTC

against CoV

Just thought about this some more, the game could still stall quite a bit because of this. Think about it: There are 4 players but no food, player 1 adds 10 food, players 2, 3, and 4 are able to rest and leave player 1 behind for a week.  So, logically, people would try to avoid being “player 1” and adding the food to the stockpile as their weekly action.

Quite simply, this isn’t fair to the person that adds to the stockpile.

Darknight: he/him

09-04-2010 02:39:36 UTC

against the wording just isn’t clicking with me


09-04-2010 03:14:51 UTC

Wow. Purplebeard’s vote will pretty much define this all.


09-04-2010 08:24:34 UTC



09-04-2010 15:49:45 UTC


Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

09-04-2010 17:48:56 UTC

against Unclear how it goes. (removing and setting) OR adding or is it removing AND (setting or adding)?

Josh: he/they

09-04-2010 17:50:35 UTC



10-04-2010 00:37:27 UTC
