Sunday, February 15, 2015

Proposal: In a Heartbeat

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Feb 2015 20:49:26 UTC

In “Side Effects”, replace “If a Crewmember is Listless and Euphoric at the same time, they become Happy instead of Euphoric.” with:

If a Crewmember is Listless and Euphoric at the same time, any Crewmember or the Computer may change that Crewmember from Euphoric to Happy.

Repeal the rule “Paranoia” and add to “Side Effects”:

If a Proposal has been Sabotaged in the previous 24 hours, any Crewmember or the Computer may make its proposer Paranoid, if nobody has already done so for that Proposal.

Remove the sentence “When a Crewmember is accused in a Trial they may add the emotion Angry to themselves and lose all other emotions of the same nature.” from Trials and add to “Side Effects”:

While a Crewmember is accused in a Trial, they may add the emotion Angry to themselves and lose all other emotions of the same nature.

Rewording two automagical Emotion mechanics and moving one of them and a slightly reworded Trial Anger all into the same rule.


Darknight: he/him

16-02-2015 05:40:31 UTC



16-02-2015 08:31:50 UTC


ais523: Custodian

16-02-2015 09:49:29 UTC


Brendan: he/him

16-02-2015 17:53:49 UTC



16-02-2015 19:09:58 UTC
