Friday, June 18, 2021

Proposal: Inheritance

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 19 Jun 2021 19:27:51 UTC

Add the following to the end of the rule Vampire Lords:

Each Vampire Lord has a number of Blood Mana Crystals. Blood Mana Crystals must be a non-negative integer and defaults to zero.

Add the following to the end of the rule Lair Actions:

Distilling is a Power Action with a cost of 1. The Vampire Lord carrying it out may spend 12 Influence to gain 1 Blood Mana Crystal.

Add the following to the end of the rule Unlife:

Shattering is a Power Action with a cost of zero. When a Vampire Lord Shatters, they may reduce their Blood Mana Crystals by 1 and may increase their Puissance by 10, ceasing to be Dust if applicable, and may set their Allegiance to -.

Add a new rule to the ruleset, called Victory, with the following text:

No Vampire Lord may have the name Dracula. If Dracula exists as an entity in the game, and Dracula is Dust, then the Vampire Lord with the most Blood Mana Crystals has achieved Victory.



ais523: Custodian

18-06-2021 14:08:20 UTC


Kevan: he/him

18-06-2021 15:06:48 UTC

against The arrival of Undefined Dracula has the air of something that’s going to get scammed, and I’m not going to be in a good position to do anything about it if it does (given that Lemon and Pokes can instantly cash in Imperial Favours for 2 and 1 Mana Crystals respectively, whenever they like).

Josh: he/they

18-06-2021 15:18:40 UTC

@Kevan I would contend that Favours currently can’t be used to generate mana crystals; the rule Dark Favours lists what Favours can be exchanged for exclusively, and Mana Crystals aren’t on the list.

Kevan: he/him

18-06-2021 15:44:37 UTC

Dark Favours talks of “transactions” while Favours is in terms of “claiming”, I’m not sure there’s enough contradiction there for the precedence to switch it off.

Josh: he/they

18-06-2021 15:54:06 UTC

I’m happy to put a slot towards tightening that up.

Clucky: he/him

18-06-2021 23:31:51 UTC


“they may reduce their Blood Mana Crystals by 1 and may increase their Puissance by 10, ceasing to be Dust if applicable”

Not reducing your Blood Mana Crystals by 1, and then increasing your Puissance by 10, feels like a proper application of “may” clauses in this power action.

As much as I’d love to get an infinite money hack to shape the world to my will… doesn’t seem the best for the health of the game

ais523: Custodian

19-06-2021 02:19:01 UTC

CoV against  Clucky’s right, this is scammable.

Janet: she/her

19-06-2021 02:38:22 UTC


lemon: she/her

19-06-2021 07:25:02 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-06-2021 07:42:11 UTC

That was the scam I was alluding to in slack, btw.

Josh: he/they

19-06-2021 19:27:27 UTC

against s/k