Proposal: Inspector Gadget v1.0t
Vetoed by the Mastermind
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 10 Mar 2007 14:18:08 UTC
v1.0 because I know there will be holes…
Add the following rule to the ruleset, called “Gadgets”
Each Agent may have a certain number of gadgets. The number of gadgets an Agent may have is tracked in a GNDT column called “Gadgets”. This number is XXX by default. There also exists a page on the wiki called “List of Gadgets”, which contains a list of every Agent and the descriptions of the gadgets which the agent has. There also exists a list of “requested gadgets” below all other agents. Provided e does not currently have any gadgets listed in the “requested gadgets” region, and e has fewer gadgets than the maximum e may have according to the GNDT, an agent may add a gadget to the list of “requested gadgets” which include: The name of the gadget, a description of what the gadget does, and the name of Agent requesting the gadget, and the time that the agent submitted the gadget.
The mastermind, may, at any time, remove an item from the gadget list that e feels is unfair, too powerful, or has some other fault with it.
If a gadget has been on the requested gadgets section for 48 hours and the mastermind has not removed it, the agent who submitted the gadget may move it to eir list of gadgets and use the gadget as described in the description of the gadget.
An agent may remove one of eir gadgets at any time.
If an agent ever has more gadgets than allotted on the GNDT, any other agent, provided such a action would not leave eimself with too many gadgets, may claim one of the original agent’s gadgets by moving its location on the gadgets page.
In addition to voting for this proposal, each agent should submit a number. If an agent votes but does not submit a number, eir number is assumed to be zero. The final number submited by each agent who votes will count as that agents number. The arithmetic mean of all the agents numbers will be totaled, and the XXX in the above rule will be replaced with the floor of that value.
Additionally, if more than half of the legal votes contain the phrase “You cannot win from Gadgets alone” the following phrase will be added to the end of this rule.
Gadgets are not allowed either to grant victory to the owner of the gadget or any other agen.