Proposal: Inspire the People, 2
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0 with 1 unresolved DEF. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 20 Jul 2023 15:36:25 UTC
In the rule “Crime & Commerce”, subrule “Graffiti”, change “A Machinist may spend 1 Paint to create a piece of Graffiti (although this is a Crime) in the Megasystem that they currently inhabit, with text of their choosing up to 80 characters in length. A Machinist may spend 1 Paint to remove any number of characters from any number of pieces of Graffiti in the Megasystem that they currently inhabit.” to:
At any time, a Machinist may spend 1 Paint to Deface, which is a Mechanised atomic action (that is also a Crime) with the following steps:
* Create a piece of Graffiti in the same Megasystem you’re inhabiting, with text of your choosing up to 80 characters in length
* Decrease Order by n, where n is the total amount of pieces of Graffiti in existenceAt any time, a Machinist may spend 1 Paint to Clean, which is a Mechanised atomic action with the following steps:
* Remove any number of characters from any number of pieces of Graffiti in the Megasystem you’re inhabiting
* Delete all pieces of Graffiti that contain 0 characters
* Increase Order by n, where n is the total amount of pieces of Graffiti deleted during this action
In the rule “Crime & Commerce”, subrule “Punishment”, change “If a Machinist has performed a Crime in the previous 24 hours and is not Incarcerated, a Machinist who inhabits the same Megasystem as them may pay 1 Valve to add the performer to the Lockdown list, listed at 2 Days.” to:
If a Machinist has performed a Crime within the previous 24 hours and is not Incarcerated, a Machinist who inhabits the same Megasystem as them may spend 1 Valve to Arrest them, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Add that Machinist to the Lockdown list, listed at 2 Days
* Increase Order by 5
Inspire the People but it’s on mechanised actions now (and defacing is a crime)
also made it so arresting someone increases order
JonathanDark: he/him
I’ve got this mental picture of one Machinist walking up to another and slapping a flexible valve across the other’s wrists to Arrest them.