Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Proposal: Inter-Galactic Travel (or at least inter-moon)

Timed out 1 vote to 6. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Dec 2014 12:12:20 UTC

Create a new dynastic rule, “Greater Maneuvering”:

Each Shuttle has one Hyperthruster, tracked in the GNDT column ‘Engine’ as HT(X/Y), where X is the Hyperthruster’s Charge and Y is the Hyperthruster’s Maximum Charge. If a Hyperthruster’s Charge is equal to its Maximum Charge, the Hyperthruster is Fully Charged. If a Hyperthruster’s Charge would become greater than its Maximum Charge, it instead becomes Fully Charged. As a Knock-On Action, a Shuttle increase the Charge of its Hyperthruster by 1. New Shuttles start with a Hyperthruster with Charge 3 and Maximum Charge 7.

Any Player with a Fully Charged Hyperthruster may, as a Knock-On Action, set the Hyperthruster’s Charge to 0 and change their Orbit to an Orbit around any Moon with the same Orbit Number. They may then take a bonus Knock-On Action. If they do, they must skip any further Knock-On Actions that the bonus Knock-On Action would permit.

If a Shuttle’s Orbit contains an Orbital Dockyard, that Shuttle may spend 1 tonne of any Substance to reduce the Maximum Charge of their Hyperthruster by 1.

In the rule “Local Maneuvering,” replace the phrase “They roll the dice for each of their non-Overcharged Thrusters that they have not used to change Orbits in the last 20 hours.” with

They roll the dice for each of their non-Overcharged Thrusters that they have not used to change Orbits in the last 10 hours.

Give each Shuttle a Hyperthruster with Charge 3 and Maximum Charge 7.



03-12-2014 04:44:13 UTC

against simply because I don’t like the idea of having another type of thruster.


03-12-2014 15:49:21 UTC


Minor issues:
1) Why cut the 20 hour engine cooldown in half?
2) Why is this a Knock-On rather than just an action that costs Fuel?

Major issues:
1) Reducing the Maximum Charge to 1 is fairly cheap and makes moon-hopping too easy
2) The 1-5 region is already congested; making it the Io Transit Zone probably puts too much emphasis on it.

Jefferson Steelflex:

04-12-2014 00:19:31 UTC



04-12-2014 01:20:28 UTC

I felt like one Knock-On action a day is unnecessarily slow. Moving is an integral part of the game, so it’s weird that we can only do it at a fairly slow pace. Charging is a Knock-On because I like the mechanic and see no reason not to use it. Actually moving is a Knock-On because I don’t want people to move from Trading Post to Trading Post.

The 1-5 region will not become more congested. Since Orbit Numbers are equivalent modulo Orbital Size, moving from G17 to E17 is really just moving from G17 to E7.

Reducing the Max Charge is absolutely cheaper than I intended. If this passes, I’ll propose to make changing the Max Charge on Hyperthrusters 2 Sulphur and only doable as a Knock-On Action.


04-12-2014 03:11:34 UTC

“The 1-5 region will not become more congested. Since Orbit Numbers are equivalent modulo Orbital Size, moving from G17 to E17 is really just moving from G17 to E7.”

And in the other direction?


04-12-2014 06:17:03 UTC

...oh. Point taken. :)
That said, I don’t actually have a problem to moons having a “light side” and a “dark side,” so to speak.

Kevan: he/him

04-12-2014 10:06:41 UTC



04-12-2014 15:39:02 UTC



04-12-2014 21:41:38 UTC
