Monday, March 12, 2007

Proposal: Internationalness

It has enough AGAINST votes that it can not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed.

Adminned at 13 Mar 2007 16:58:42 UTC

Add a GNDT column “Location”, and set its value to “Moscow” for each Agent.

Add a dynastic rule “Locations”:

The only valid locations are: Tokyo, New York, Seoul, Mexico City, Jakarta, Manila, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Osaka, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Calcutta, Cairo, Moscow, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Tehran.  Each Agent’s location must always be one of these values.  New Agents start with the value “Moscow”.

For each location, the Mastermind will secretly track the number of informants that each Agent has in that location.  Agents start with no informants in any location.

Add a dynastic rule “Actions” (replace’(*)’ with the rule number):

Often, an Agent (‘you’) may take one of the following actions:

(*).1 Travel
Change your location field on the GNDT to any valid location.

(*).2 Networking
Send a message to the Mastermind indicating that you are expanding your network.  The Mastermind will roll DICE6, and add that number to the number of informants you have at your current location.

Yes, everyone’s location is public, for now.  If we can’t see anything this is going to get really confusing.  The list is a slightly modified version from Wikipedia of the most populous urban aresas.

In the comment that contains eir final vote, an Actor may propose adding or removing particular items from the list of valid locations.  Edit the list of locations to reflect any of these changes that were proposed by at least as many Agents as ultimately voted FOR this proposal.




12-03-2007 20:40:59 UTC

No vote yet, but for this dynasty I’d rather see an actual gameboard than a drop-down list of locations.  With a gameboard, you’ve got inherent differences between some locations and others (province adjacencies and so forth).  With your approach, you might as well name the territories “A”, “B”, “C” and so on for all the difference there is between them.  Also, it looks like you’d just bump up the number of informants in location 1, then move on to location 2, lather, rinse, repeat.  Kind of devoid of flavor.  With a gameboard, there’s more of a process involved in getting from point A to point B—and with Gadgets, getting there can be half the fun.

Clucky: he/him

12-03-2007 21:16:57 UTC

Deja Vu? (Actor locations…)  against


12-03-2007 21:19:36 UTC

against Sounds like a major chore staying active enough to pump my location full of informants every day.


12-03-2007 21:29:26 UTC



12-03-2007 21:49:33 UTC

for Although Beijing and London need to be added. As well as Beirut and Jerusalem.


12-03-2007 22:48:47 UTC

against What Spike said, and FOR vote bias.


12-03-2007 23:35:16 UTC



13-03-2007 01:02:36 UTC

Chronos: There’s no FOR vote bias here.  It simply says that the number of people wanting a change needs to be at least as many people as vote FOR, not that they need to be the same people.


13-03-2007 01:03:34 UTC


It’s close enough for my tastes.


13-03-2007 22:36:24 UTC

against per hix, and also I like the Map proposal better :P


13-03-2007 23:11:24 UTC
