Proposal: Into the Library
3 to 1 after 48 hours. Enacted by derrick.
Adminned at 29 Sep 2017 14:39:35 UTC
In “The Katamari”, change
For the purpose of the Katamari’s use across Blognomic’s URLs, such address’s content shall be considered to be such as they were at the instant this Dynasty started (so posterior edits do not apply).
For the purpose of the Katamari’s use across Blognomic’s URLs, such address’s content shall be considered to be such as they were at the instant this Dynasty started (so posterior edits do not apply), except for pages linked in the rule “Cool Pages”.
Add a new rule, “Cool Pages”:
A while ago I added this page with books by length, as something to potentially roll up that are larger than rules. Note that the Library link is a specific revision ID so I won’t edit it from under you.