Proposal: Introduction of a B-plot
popular 7 to 0. Enacted by Derrick.
Adminned at 08 May 2020 15:05:20 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Playing cards:
Each Amnesiac has a hand of cards, which is tracked in the Community page of the wiki and defaults to blank.
As a weekly action, an Amnesiac may generate a card by randomly selecting a number between 1 and 13 and randomly selecting a suit from Hearts, Clubs, Spades and Diamonds. If the result is the same as a card in the hand of another Amnesiac then they must generate another card. Once they have a unique card they must add it to their hand in the wiki.
A card with a number of 1 may also be referred to as an Ace, or the letter A for shorthand. Similarly, the number 11 may be referred to as Jack or J, 12 may be referred to as Queen or Q, and 13 may be referred to as King or K.
derrick: he/him
we’ll eventually want a method to randomly select a card from all the ones not selected, to reduce the number of rerolls once the deck gets thin.
Also, what’s the motivation behind this?