invasion idea
Throwing this out here as a concept. Let me know if there are any obvious errors and ill propose it tonight after work.
Repeal all Dynastic Rules.
Create a new dynastic rule “Factions” with the text:
Each player has a trait Faction which is tracked in the GDNT. At any time a player may change their Faction in the GDNT to any string of characters that is less than 10 characters long. A player is considered a member of that Faction.
Create a subrule of the rule Factions “Leaders” with the text:
Each player has a trait Leader which is is tracked in the GDNT and is either Yes or No. If a player changes their faction to a faction that is currently held by no other player, that player may change their Leader to Yes, that player is considered the leader of their Faction.
A leader of a Faction may at any time transfer leadership of their Faction to another member of ther Faction by changing their Leader to no and that player’s Leader to yes.
If a player changes their Faction to match that of another player, their Leadership is set to No.
Set each active player’s Faction to Blognomic.
Set each active plater’s Leader to No.
ais523: Mastermind
Wouldn’t the repeal of all dynastic rules deplayerise Agora, assuming it’s a player? I think it’s probably better if everyone proposes on the theme they want, and we let the rulesets fight it out.
The concept’s not bad, although I suspect the optimal strategy for winning the dynasty will be a cross-faction alliance, as usual when there are factions.