Proposal: Invasive Medical Procedures
Passes 6-2 with quorum FOR. -Bucky
Adminned at 25 Jan 2015 19:21:29 UTC
In the rule “Androids” after the phrase “Each Crewmember may either be a Human or an Android” add the phrase
This is known as a Crewmember’s Type.
Create a new rule, “Assimilation”:-
As a weekly action, the doctor may Assimilate any Crewmember by sending a private message to the Ship’s Computer with the text “Assimilate XXX to become YYY” where XXX is the Crewmember to be Assimilated, known as the Subject, and YYY is a Type, known as the New Type. If the Subject is of the New Type, the Assimilation Fails. If the Subject is not of the New Type, there is a 50% chance the Assimilation Fails; otherwise, it Succeeds.
If the Assimilation Succeeds, the Ship’s Computer converts the Subject to the New Type and informs the Subject of this in a private message. If the Assimilation Fails, the Computer gives the Subject the Emotion Injured and posts in a GNDT comment that the Subject’s Assimilation has Failed.
Assimilation is a Strenuous action.
Kevan: he/him
This is the second proposal from Sylphrena that’s been missing a comment form at the bottom (and which I’ve fixed by opening it to edit, and saving without making any changes; “Allow Comments” doesn’t seem to have been unticked). Is there something idiosyncratic in the way that you’re making these proposals?