Thursday, October 15, 2009

Proposal: Investing in a Second Chance

Times out 11-2, failed by Darth Cliche. -2 to arthexis, if he existed.

Adminned at 17 Oct 2009 14:16:27 UTC

Create a new rule “Investments [2 Points]”:

As a daily action, any Player who is not the Acting Leader may Invest in a Proposal that has been Pending for 24 hours or less, by including the text “Investing” on any of their EVCs for that Proposal. If a Player does so, that Player is considered an Investor for that Proposal.

A Player cannot Invest on the Proposals he or she authored. A Player cannot Invest on a Proposal he or she is Sponsoring. An Admin cannot enact a Proposal for which he or she is an Investor, unless there are no other non-idle Admins that could enact it.

Whenever a Proposal passes, if there are three or less Investors for that Proposal, each Investor is awarded 5 Points.

Reduced the number of investors that can reap the reward (and made it so that investing multiple times is legal but irrelevant). Also, Admins no longer get a benefit for trying to invest on a proposal before enacting it. Third, I’ve made it so that the acting leader cannot invest, thus allowing other players to catch up and making the whole game more competitive. Finally, players are not allowed to invest on timed out proposal, thus making investing a less safe move, like IRL.


Kevan: he/him

15-10-2009 22:05:47 UTC

“I’ve made it so that the acting leader cannot invest, thus allowing other players to catch up and making the whole game more competitive.” You’ve changed your stance on “communism” since you were overtaken as Acting Leader, then?


15-10-2009 22:08:02 UTC

against  per Kevan.

arthexis: he/him

15-10-2009 22:38:17 UTC

Please note that it does not discourage players with many points with investing, only the acting leader. The reasoning is very simple: the acting leader can invest in every proposal without fear , making investments into grinding daily actions.


16-10-2009 00:24:00 UTC

against .  Too grindy anyway.

Darknight: he/him

16-10-2009 03:29:47 UTC



16-10-2009 03:51:37 UTC

against Uninteresting.

Josh: he/they

16-10-2009 09:16:57 UTC


Kevan: he/him

16-10-2009 09:28:18 UTC



16-10-2009 13:34:41 UTC



16-10-2009 14:26:11 UTC


ais523: Custodian

16-10-2009 14:27:12 UTC



17-10-2009 05:13:06 UTC

for Well I like it, anyway.


17-10-2009 12:43:36 UTC



17-10-2009 18:09:15 UTC
