Ironic post-modernism
After years languishing in straight-to-video sequels, a series of witty cameos have propelled Tesla4D and Snowballinhell7001 back to superstardom. Quorum rises to 10.
After years languishing in straight-to-video sequels, a series of witty cameos have propelled Tesla4D and Snowballinhell7001 back to superstardom. Quorum rises to 10.
posted by Josh at 20 Feb 2007 16:49:00 UTC Comments (1)
BlogNomic is an online Nomic: a self-modifying game where changing the rules is part of the game. Players make blog posts proposing additions or alterations to the ruleset, discussing and casting votes in the comments: if enough vote in favour, the rules are changed and play continues.
The game has been running since 2003 and resets every month or so. Have a look around the wiki for more information and history. New players are always welcome and can join in the game at any time.
BlogNomic is powered by pMachine ExpressionEngine.
Sounds like me and snowball are collaborators. :)