Is Beowulf English?
Circumstances (i.e., Darknight’s Einherjur portfolio) now make it relevant for Hix to determine whether Beowulf is English. (This is not a CFJ because the gamestate specifies that this determination is Hix’s to make; I’m just pointing out that he should make a call here.)
The case for: The poem appears to have been written around the same time that the Anglo-Saxons were migrating to England, it’s in Old English, it was written in England, it’s the national epic of England, and Beowulf appears to be a fictional character (and so can be seen as a kind of English creation).
The case against: The events in the story take place in Scandinavia and Beowulf himself is supposedly a Geat (a member of a North German tribe who lived in what is now Sweden).
Amnistar: he/him
I was wodnering the same thing :)