It may as well be a real witchhunt
If more vote for in a comment on this post than against, I request a ban.
If more vote for in a comment on this post than against, I request a ban.
For a ban against . . . DC? Since he seems so excited about it.
No wish to see you banned, just to demonstrate that just because an annoying loophole is a few hours away from being closed, it doesn’t mean you can and should exploit it with impunity. Beware the popular vote.
You’re absolutely free to put up a proposal apologising, and repealing the rule about you not being able to guess, and I imagine I’d vote for it.
Kevan: I don’t think it was an abuse or a loophole. I wasn’t aware a proposal was trying to forbid it.
When you posted a similarly huge guess on Sunday, we had to move it to the wiki to stop the blog becoming unreadable. This proposal to forbid it was made an hour later.
If you didn’t notice either of these things happening (or, presumably, the recent rule saying that “spamming” could now be considered a banning offence), you should maybe pay more attention to the game you’re playing, and to the players who’d be affected by you posting thirty pages of text.
I would ‘vote’ on this, but I suspect based on precedent elsewhere that zuff would ignore me.
Anyway, I seriously suggest to zuff that they stop breaking the blog engine. Even in nomics where scams are commonplace, it’s generally accepted behaviour that you don’t break the communications mechanisms. Not sure if it’s worth a ban, though, but please stop.
CallForJudgement: Nothing was “broken”. The main page was a bit large. That is all.
Oh, then, as you really seem not to respect the mechanisms of this nomic…
Everyone makes mistakes. You don’t need to get banned over.
Wakukee: Idle
Of who??