Proposal: It turns out that nothing really happened.
2-1, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX, with help from his new friend, Apathy.
Adminned at 15 May 2006 13:31:58 UTC
Rewrite the rule Chanting to read:
Any Monk may often start a Chant if e hasn’t chanted in the last 24 hours.
When a Monk starts a Chant, e chants.
Any Monk that is within Audible Distance of a chanting monk also chants, unless e has already chanted in the last 24 hours.
When a Monk chants, e gains X Integrity, where X is the number of Monks that wouldn’t have chanted if e hadn’t chanted.
Example: Hix starts a Chant. Eir chanting causes both Elias IX, who is 10 moves left, and Bucky, who is 10 moves right, to chant. Bucky’s chanting causes Rodney and Thelonious, who are both 7 moves right of Bucky, to chant.
If Hix hadn’t chanted, five Monks (Hix, Elias IX, Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 5 integrity. If Bucky hadn’t chanted, three Monks (Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 3 integrity. Rodney and Thelonious both gain one, since they can’t cause each other to chant, since even if either hadn’t chanted, the other one still would. Lastly, Elias gains 1 integrity.