Proposal: Items: Baby steps
Fails on time-out, 2-3.—Rodney.
Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 08:54:23 UTC
If the proposal “Duel Core” fails, then this proposal has no effect:
Part 1:
In the rule “Duels”, add the following text before the sentence “When a Clan Lord has received a list of ten Combat Moves from each Combatant, he works out the results of the ten Combat Rounds, in sequence”:
The Ruleset or other Gamestate Documents may specify other valid Combat Moves. The Ruleset or other Gamestate Documents may also specify that particular Combat Moves may not be taken under certain circumstances, and if a Combatant nonetheless attempts to take a forbidden Combat Move in a Combat Round, that Combatant takes Damage in lieu of any other effects of that Combat Round.
Part 2:
Add the following text to the end of the rule “Items”
Each Item’s description in the List of Valid Items shall specify an abbreviation of that Item’s name, not to exceed two characters (example: “XY”), which may be used to identify that Item in the GNDT and all other Gamestate Documents.
Some Items are Armor. An Item is Armor if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides. No Clansman may have more than one Armor Item in his Inventory. Unless an Armor Item’s description in the List of Valid Items provides to the contrary, an Armor Item cannot be Used as a Combat Move in a Duel.
Some Items are Weapons. An Item is a Weapon if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides.