Proposal: It’s A Gas
Withdrawn. Failed by TyGuy6.
Adminned at 20 Nov 2021 04:19:50 UTC
In the rule The Narrative, change “A Realtor who has a Gas of zero is Down; whether or not a Realtor is Down is publicly tracked. A Realtor who is Down may not be the target of a Fighting action.” to
A Realtor who has a Gas of zero is Down; whether or not a Realtor is Down is publicly tracked. At least once every day, each Leader should issue a Statement, being a story post detailing which members of their Team are Down and how much Angle they have. A Realtor who is Down may not be the target of a Fighting action, may not be Up, and may not have their Gas increased through the expenditure of Angle. Realtors who are Down are not counted towards quorum on any proposal whose effect would be limited to changing the dynastic ruleset or gamestate; nor do their votes count on any such proposal, unless their vote is to withdraw a proposal to which they are the author.
“counted towards quorum” what does this even mean? Having a bunch of players that can’t vote on dynastic proposals could be scary/slow, depending on what it means. As one example, one could much more easily repeal the mantle-passing restriction, if half the players couldn’t vote against.
Also, I’m confused as to how we ever lose gas. Are you going to bring back some part of