Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Proposal: It’s magical okay!

Failed can’t be enacted 1-1. Failed by card.

Adminned at 21 Jul 2017 16:52:40 UTC

Add a new rule “Spells” with the text

A Pactmaker can at-will cast a spell. Casting is the following Atomic Action:
# Meet the requirements of the casting cost.
# Make appropriate changes to the gamestate.

An example of spell formatting is shown below.
  (type) Name [casting cost]: Effect {Maintained Cost}
Types are Instantanious and Maintained, a spell must have at least one type. An Instantanious spell’s effect lasts only one second. A Maintained spell’s effect lasts as long as the Pactmaker meets the Maintained Cost requirements every day after it was cast. If a Pactmaker misses a payment then the Effect ceases and the Pactmaker must recast the spell to do the Effect.

Spell List:
*(Instantanious) Teleport [Spend X Mana]: Change your location to a square on the Ibiza Town which is within X squares of your current location.

*(Maintainted) [Have at least 1 Promise]: If you have already maintained this spell today, nothing happens, otherwise gain X Mana where X is the number of days you have maintained this spell since you most recently cast it. {Make a Promise if you have not done so already today. Have not ever undergone Extreme Seizures.]

There should be spells of some sort, right? Maybe this is too complicated though?


Madrid: Idle

19-07-2017 08:53:33 UTC

Might be good to have that mantained spells allow you to do the spell’s daily action (whatever its daily benefit effect would be) as long as you mantain it (keeping track of all of the mantained effects could be a hassle, this would make the beneficiary need to actually “Track” it themselves)

pokes: Idle

19-07-2017 21:01:35 UTC

Can I double, or triple, or 1000x cast the second spell, make 1000 trivial promises each day to maintain it, and then get 1000X mana X days later?

card: Idle

20-07-2017 03:27:52 UTC

[pokes] If making 1000x promises each day doesn’t count as spam then sure.

Madrid: Idle

20-07-2017 06:45:52 UTC

It’s possible to make a Combo post of Combos. (Making a Combo post is arguably an “action”)

pokes: Idle

20-07-2017 10:32:34 UTC

In that case against since it encourages pushing the limits of what counts as spam for free mana