Friday, November 29, 2013

Proposal: Job Security

Timed out and passed, 6-0. Josh

Adminned at 02 Dec 2013 23:58:48 UTC

In the rule “Offices”, replace “A Commander may spend 2 Power to assign an Oligarch to (or remove an Oligarch from) the Office of Authority corresponding to the Commander’s Office.” with:-

A Commander may spend 2 Power to assign an Oligarch who has no Office to the Office of Authority corresponding to the Commander’s Office. A Commander may spend 2 Power to remove an Oligarch from the Office of Authority corresponding to the Commander’s Office.

Addressing the interpretation at least two players seem to hold that “assigning” an Oligarch to an Office can be read as “reassigning” rather than “assigning to an additional Office” (which would be illegal, as we can only hold one). Purplebeard recently assigned every other Commander to his department and then fired them, under this first reading.

I shall trust the Despot to punish any further abuse of this rule while this proposal is pending.


Josh: he/they

29-11-2013 23:34:41 UTC



30-11-2013 04:44:46 UTC



30-11-2013 17:49:59 UTC



01-12-2013 12:53:00 UTC


RaichuKFM: she/her

02-12-2013 21:37:26 UTC
