Saturday, July 11, 2020

Joining as a player


Ready to become a player!

need a mentor



Josh: Mastermind he/they

11-07-2020 16:41:01 UTC

Welcome to the game! Quorum is unchanged at 6.

You’re joining at a slightly odd time as we’re in the middle of changing the software used to run the blog. It’s been a slightly protracted process but will hopefully be wrapped up in the near future. If you find the game too slow and impenetrable then you may want to check back again in a month or so.

In the meanwhile, in terms of mentoring, we’ll need to find a willing volunteer. Anybody interested should please comment here - otherwise you may want to try asking around on Slack.

Good luck!

FamilyMan: he/him

11-07-2020 17:37:51 UTC

Thank you Josh

Kevan: he/him

11-07-2020 18:30:02 UTC

Would also recommend a look at the New Player Guide if you haven’t found it yet. Welcome to the game.