Proposal: Jolly Boasting Weather
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 17 Aug 2016 16:09:38 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Piratical Tales”:-
A Hunter who is located at the same Island as the Pirate may Parley by posting a blog entry to this effect, and specifying how many Pieces they wish to gift to the Pirate. A single Parley post may contain multiple requests to Parley, from that Hunter.
The Pirate should react to a request to Parley by Telling a Tale, if they have not done so already for that request: upon doing so, they reduce the Hunter’s Pieces by the value specified in the post (this reduction may cause that number to become negative) and privately message the Hunter a Tale to that value, as listed below.
- A Tale of value 1 names a random Island which is not home to the Pirate’s Treasure.
- A Tale of value 2 names a random type of Landmark which is not home to the Pirate’s Treasure.
- A Tale of value 3 names a random row or column of the Archipelago which is not home to the Pirate’s Treasure.
Where the Pirate makes a random decision for a Tale, they may do so using any method they wish.