Thursday, May 09, 2024

Juniper, your math is wrong


Your math is wrong.  You started with:

36 Florin and 6 Notoriety

Bought the Ring from the Blacket Market:
Notoriety:  6 + 7 (ring) + 3 = 16
Markup: Dice5: 2, Ring = 7 + 2 = 9

So that should be:
27 Florin, 16 Notoriety, Golden Ring

After Selling the ring:
Florin 27 + 7 = 34
Notoriety 16 + 7 = 23

Do you disagree?


Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

09-05-2024 21:26:58 UTC

Yes. In the rules it says I only have to pay the Markup. “If the Thief has at least the Markup in Florins, reduce their Florins by the Markup and add a copy of the identified possession to the Thief’s inventory.”

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

09-05-2024 21:27:47 UTC

It’s a simplw rule exploitation. I wouldn’t have done this otherwise.

JonathanDark: he/him

09-05-2024 21:52:29 UTC

See @Clucky? I told you this needed to be clarified.

The question is regarding the rule below:

Roll a DICE5 and add the result it to the identified Possession’s value. This is its Markup.

Is the this in the above rule referring to the result of adding the DICE5 to the Possession’s value, or is it referring to just the DICE5?

I guess we need the CfJ after all.


Nad: he/him

09-05-2024 23:16:33 UTC

The Markup is defined in the previous sentence:

Roll a DICE5 and add the result it to the identified Possession’s value. This is its Markup.

The markup is the roll + the possession value.  That is clear.

Clucky: he/him

09-05-2024 23:31:20 UTC

@Junuper but you didn’t pay the markup. You paid only the dice roll.

Clucky: he/him

09-05-2024 23:40:24 UTC

not sure if you’re in the discord Juniper, but as I mentioned there as this seems to have stemmed from a misunderstanding of how markup was calculated I’d fully support a CFJ undoing all the steps you wouldn’t have done if you got the markup calculation right