Monday, April 09, 2012

Proposal: Just getting the job done

Can’t enact with 6 votes against, without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 Apr 2012 08:19:16 UTC

Append the following line to rule 2.6 “Institutions”:

The Secret Police: When a player influences the secret police they may send the Net one message with the text “SECRET POLICE” and the name of an institution. If an institution is affected by the secret police any resources directed towards it are ignored for the next 2 cycles, no player may influence the institution for the next 2 cycles and the institution may not be amended for the next 2 cycles. If multiple messages are sent only the first one is valid.

Thought this might spice things up, it basically makes it impossible to interact with an institution for 2 cycles.


Clucky: he/him

09-04-2012 20:33:57 UTC

against how is this really that different than the reactor?


09-04-2012 21:16:16 UTC

against Per Clucky.


09-04-2012 23:32:26 UTC

against per Clucky.
Also “Append the following line to rule 2.6 “Institution” is not a good wording and would get your line to the very end of the rule, notwithstanding “When a new Institution is created, it is added at the bottom of the list unless otherwise stated in the proposal adding the Institution.”

Josh: Imperator he/they

10-04-2012 06:21:18 UTC


Kevan: he/him

10-04-2012 08:24:16 UTC



11-04-2012 07:33:19 UTC
