Proposal: Just imagine I made a hilarious pun in this title
Times out, 8-1.—Rodney.
Adminned at 26 Oct 2008 18:02:57 UTC
Add to rule 1.4:
If no Patriarch has voted on a proposal, a vote of DEFERENTIAL on that proposal does not count as a vote for the purposes of rule 1.5.
I made a mistake when adminning this proposal (besides miscounting the votes). If the votes had been 6-5 with 2 deferentials, it still wouldn’t have met the requirements to pass (less than half its counted votes were FOR), which seems odd. One might argue that, since “The vote will count as the same as the Patriarch’s vote”, deferentials would count as no vote if the Patriarch didn’t vote, but this reasoning is shaky at best. Even assuming this argument holds, I feel it’s best to state it explicitly, if only to prevent this problem from coming up during a metadynasty where there is no Patriarch.