Proposal: Just one more rule
\timed out and failed, 2-4. Josh
Adminned at 02 May 2012 01:15:03 UTC
Append the following text to the rule “Directions”:
When issuing a Direction specifying that none of their resources are being allocated to Institutions, a Player may include in that Direction a Credit Reset.
Amend the following text to the rule “Cycle Resolution”:
“At the beginning of each Cycle, after the new Market Price Index has been calculated, every Player whose previous Cycle’s Direction included an Order of Reset has their Marines, Power and Councilmen set to 0, and their Credits set to the new MPI. Then, every Player whose previous Cycle’s Direction included a Credit Reset has their credits set to (MPI-P-M-C) where P represents that player’s current power, M represents that player’s current amount of marines and C represents that player’s current amount of councilmen.”
Clucky: he/him