Sunday, March 10, 2024

Proposal: Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe

Quorum Reached. Passes 6-0—Clucky

Adminned at 11 Mar 2024 02:07:42 UTC

In Scoring replace “a Score, which is a publicly tracked number” with “a Score, which is a publicly tracked, possibly negative, number”

Add the following to “Criteria”

Two Criteria are considered to be identical if any shot which meets the first criteria also meets the second criteria, and any shot which does not meet the first criteria also does not meet the second criteria. None of a Seekers private criteria can be equivalent to another of that Seekers private criteria.

Add a new rule called “Guesses” with the following text

As a Weekly Action, a Seeker (the Guesser) with a score of at least 3 guess a private criteria of another Seeker (the Target) who is not currently Targeted by performing the following Atomic Action known as Initiating a Guess

* Reduce the score of the Guesser by 3
* Make a story post to the blog clearly declaring the name of the Targeted Seeker, and what the guesser thinks one of their Private Criteria are

The Target is now considered Targeted, and may not take any other dynastic action until they perform the following Atomic Action known as Resolving the Guess

* If the guess is equivalent to one of their private Criteria, respond to the post with a for, reduce their own Score by 3, and increase the score of the Guesser by 3
* If the guess is not equivalent to any of their private Criteria, respond to the post with a against

At this point, the target is no longer considered targeted


JonathanDark: he/him

10-03-2024 04:35:24 UTC

You made a definition for “identical criteria” and then made a rule that said “none of the criteria of Seeker can be equivalent to another criteria of that Seeker.” I think it would be more clear to use the word “identical” again in the rule, or change the definition to define “equivalent criteria” rather than “identical criteria”

Clucky: he/him

10-03-2024 07:01:30 UTC

ah oops yeah. I think its clear enough its okay to patch later though

Josh: he/they

10-03-2024 10:12:12 UTC


Kevan: he/him

10-03-2024 10:13:51 UTC



10-03-2024 14:52:50 UTC

imperial (I haven’t read this yet, but I’m posting so as to unidle, quorum remains 5.)

JonathanDark: he/him

10-03-2024 21:23:53 UTC



11-03-2024 00:18:17 UTC
