Proposal: Keeping everything in order
Reaches Quorum (7-0-2)
Enacted by Hix
Adminned at 17 Jul 2007 13:50:29 UTC
In the rule “Buyout” replace
Immediately after Time is Advanced (and after any negative Cash is multiplied by 1.1), each Parent Corporation must pay $(2 * x)M per Subsidiary it owns, where x is the number of other Parent Corporations in the game.
Immediately after Time is Advanced (and after any negative Cash is multiplied by 1.1), each Parent Corporation must pay $(x)M per non-bankrupt Subsidiary it owns and $(5 * x)M per bankrupt Subsidiary it owns, where x is the number of other Parent Corporations in the game.
Having a bankrupt Subsidiary is a bad thing. A good parent corporation should make sure their children are well supplied. Right now, there is no penatly for having a bankrupt Subsidiary, as no one can buy it out from you. On the other hand, I personally think the Subsidiary cost is rather expensive. They can give you at most +250 in production, and cost like 20 per. They should be more advantageous than that.