Proposal: Keeping the Status Quo
3-6, timed out. Failed by Saurik.
Adminned at 26 Dec 2005 00:00:02 UTC
Add on the end of the second paragraph of Rule 1.4:
If a Proposal is more than 48 hours old, a Vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit AGAINST if there is a Narrator but e has not Voted.
Not part of the proposal: My thinking behind this is due to what is happening in Economic Planning. I felt it was something that I don’t really care about right now, but if 75th feels it advances the game, then it should be enacted. However, if he has no plans or opinions about it, I feel nothing should happen so that the status quo is kept. As it stood earlier, with 2 for - 0 against - 5 deferential, it would pass. With this, it would not pass after timing out, since 75th’s abstention turns those 5 deferentials to againsts.