Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Proposal: Keycards at the Ready

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2015 09:33:34 UTC

In the rule “Subroutines”, replace the paragraph beginning “If the Computer reads” with:-

If the Computer receives a Private Message containing only the text “EXECUTE SUBROUTINE XXXX YYYY” (where XXXX is the Designation of a Subroutine and YYYY is the name of a Crewmember), and if the Threshold of that Subroutine is less than or equal to the OI, and if the queue contains no Subroutines signed by the Crewmember who sent the message, then the Computer may add a Subroutine of that Designation to the end of its queue with the named Crewmember as its Subject, and signed by the Crewmember who sent the message.

After the first sentence of the second paragraph of that rule, add:

Each Subroutine in the queue is marked as being Signed by a particular Crewmember or idle Crewmember.

Reword the effect of B3LY to:

All Subroutines signed by the Subject are discarded from the queue.

Reword the effect of S33R to:

The Subject is privately sent a copy of the current queue of Subroutines (including who had signed each Subroutine).

Replace “naming the Subroutine but not its Subject” with “naming the Subroutine but not its Subject or the Crewmember who signed it”.

The Computer shall remove all subroutines from the queue when this proposal enacts.

Removing the anonymous submission system from the Subroutine rule, and making it so that each player can have one Subroutine in the queue at a time.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

21-01-2015 10:27:33 UTC

imperial I liked the anonymity aspect, although admittedly I can’t think of a satisfactory way of preserving it.

Kevan: he/him

21-01-2015 10:32:02 UTC

An additional mechanic for being able to submit Subroutine PMs which have their signature scrubbed off would be enough, wouldn’t it?


21-01-2015 13:05:15 UTC

I like this overall, but I think a signed S33R would be too powerful.

Kevan: he/him

21-01-2015 14:33:47 UTC

Perhaps. It’s partly balanced by the fact that crew can, to an extent, lie about the information that they’ve received. But propose a modification before the Androids awaken and nobody will judge you for doing so.


21-01-2015 15:33:55 UTC



21-01-2015 16:03:07 UTC



21-01-2015 18:46:04 UTC



21-01-2015 21:09:06 UTC


Brendan: he/him

22-01-2015 05:44:48 UTC

for If you’re Human, you’ve got nothing to hide.