Monday, November 27, 2023

Proposal: King Alan the First

Timed out and enacted, 6-2. Josh

Adminned at 29 Nov 2023 20:39:40 UTC

To the rule “Attributes”, add:-

Each Heir has a publicly tracked Forename, which is a flavour text string defaulting to “Nameless”. An Heir whose Forename is Nameless may perform the atomic action of naming: choosing either of the two lists on the wiki page [[Mediæval English names]], selecting a random numbered name from that list, and changing their Forename to it.

(If the rule “Attributes” does not exist, create it with the quoted text above.)

If the word “Bride” exists in the ruleset and “Husband” does not, replace “choosing either of the two lists on the wiki page [[Mediæval English names]], selecting a random numbered name from that list” in the Attributes rule with:-

selecting a random name from the Masculine list on the wiki page [[Mediæval English names]]

Named characters might be a useful mindset for this one.



28-11-2023 00:25:51 UTC

against I do think names are helpful, but this increasingly indoctrinates gender into the ruleset

JonathanDark: he/him

28-11-2023 01:38:25 UTC

Good idea, but I have to agree with Forest.  against


28-11-2023 03:03:13 UTC

imperial I don’t mind the character-gender assumption, given the theme.

Kevan: he/him

28-11-2023 08:52:53 UTC

If we want a completely gender-blind narrative where the ruleset never refers to character genders and supports any readings that the players want to give it (from “this is a realistic but non-historical setting, so I’m imagining a mix of genders” to “we’re in 12th century Europe where gender mattered, so from the range of political actions available these characters are probably all men”), fair enough.

For what it’s worth I think it’d be mildly more interesting to take a historical European angle where playing a female character is hard mode, and to explore what that meant, than to ignore it or to explicitly say that we’re in an alternate history.

Character names are relatively rare in BlogNomic, though, and I often wonder if it’s something that we should try more. Whether it would change the tone of gameplay conversation and take some of the personal edge off of it (“for too long Osbert has held sway over this court!” rather than “we need to stop Clucky!”), perhaps encouraging more open tactical discussions as a result.

SingularByte: he/him

28-11-2023 09:11:11 UTC

for  for names in general. For this particular proposal, the point about it enshrining gender into the ruleset might be moot; the proposal that would have added brides has been withdrawn, and is likely going to be proposed to be more gender-neutral judging by the discussion on it.

Josh: he/they

28-11-2023 10:15:32 UTC

for Down with Osbert

Vovix: he/him

28-11-2023 17:39:40 UTC

I’m good with any of the 3 directions, I just avoided assigning one explicitly from the start.  imperial

Zack: he/him

28-11-2023 18:15:42 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

28-11-2023 22:40:58 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

28-11-2023 22:42:06 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

28-11-2023 22:43:35 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

28-11-2023 22:43:51 UTC

Oh god what happened

Snisbo: she/they

28-11-2023 22:44:24 UTC

Oh god what happened, why are there three

Clucky: he/him

28-11-2023 23:08:10 UTC



29-11-2023 07:23:28 UTC
