Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Proposal: Klaatu Barada Nikto

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 Apr 2014 01:29:28 UTC

To the rule “Glorious Overlord”, add:-

If the Communicant has more Brain than the Alien, then he or she may, at any time, force the Alien to perform any dynastic action that it would be legal for the Alien to perform.


Kevan: he/him

02-04-2014 16:47:59 UTC

for  for Evil AI.

Kevan: he/him

02-04-2014 16:48:26 UTC

for  for  for  for  for  for  arrow


02-04-2014 18:15:47 UTC

for I don’t think this will matter very soon, but anyway…

RaichuKFM: she/her

02-04-2014 19:24:49 UTC

against  against Kevan, at your leisure you can randomly determine either Rodney, myself, or yourself wins. And you have been forgetting the first arrow in Alien votes.

RaichuKFM: she/her

02-04-2014 20:46:40 UTC

Whether, not either. Oops.

Kevan: he/him

02-04-2014 21:08:04 UTC

The Alien’s vote was correct both times I’ve used it - it is defined in the ruleset as “six voting icons in a row, followed by an [arrow]”.

Kevan: he/him

02-04-2014 21:11:48 UTC

Context on that previous proposal, incidentally, so that I’m not gaslighting anybody: nobody had commented on it after a whole thirty hours, so it was still legal for me to reword it - the original draft lacked the victory clause, which I added with mangled Chamber/Entrance clauses to hopefully disguise it a bit.

RaichuKFM: she/her

02-04-2014 21:32:29 UTC

Oh, coulda sworn it had to be flanked by it. Sorry, I seem to be screwing things like that up lately. So I’ll update the count for correctness’s sake. You planning on doing that victory thing anytime soon?


03-04-2014 05:24:24 UTC

To correct Raichu(as I read it), it states that it is chosen from the people that voted in favor of the proposal that enacted the rule. The rule ‘chambers’ was enacted by the proposal ‘shut up and keep digging’ not by ‘down and out’. ‘Down and out’ only edited or added to the rule. Kevan, Benzene, Rodney, RaichuKFM, Justice, Purplebeard, and I are eligible to win.

Kevan: he/him

03-04-2014 07:52:45 UTC

Ha, good point. I’d originally made it a Hive proposal so that it’d hit quorum more easily, but figured I might as well make people fight over teleporting to the Evil AI. But forgot to change that bit. I probably won’t be pressing this button any time soon.

Interesting how this has shown one of the problems of a Metadynasty - with no Emperor, every player is in it to win, and “stagnate the game so that you have more power over proposals, and hope your opponents get bored and idle out” is always a viable strategy. With an Emperor who has no interest in a personal victory, there’s always someone to break that silence.


03-04-2014 13:09:48 UTC

To be honest, I think you should either press the button, or propose for it to be removed. If anyone has a greater than one-in-seven (one in six if Purplebeard doesn’t unidle.) chance to win, the game-theoretical response is to press the button and hope for the best. Alternately, you could press the button an infinite number of times, giving everyone the victory, and we’ll just see who has the best idea for a dynasty.

Also, ironically enough, had it been a hive proposal I could have double-FORed it when RaichuKFM was AGAINST, and it would have just been Kevan and I. C’est la vie.

Kevan: he/him

03-04-2014 13:23:51 UTC

Proposing to remove it myself would be the oldest trick in the book! I could just self-kill the proposal before it enacted.

Game theory for victory of a single game would work that way, but I’d also be choosing the Emperor for the next dynasty, which shouldn’t be done lightly.


03-04-2014 13:36:00 UTC

@Kevan’s second paragraph: The other issue, I think, is a lack of clear direction. There’s no obvious way to win except by voting abuse, which, as we can see, has already been tried. This is not usually the case in Imperial Dynasties. I think a new Emperor should have at least a basic idea on how the Dynasty should end.

For example, my first Dynasty failed, I think, because it took way too long to achieve victory, and the path there wasn’t all that interesting. On the other hand, my second Dynasty succeed, in part, because the first proposals made it so that players would run out of water and go insane over time, putting a limiter on how long it would last. I forgot how exactly it ended, but I remember it ended with someone actually declaring victory.

I think Purplebeard said it best that the most exciting Dynasties are the ones with crazy, flashy effects. From my memories of favorite dynasties (Josh’s Time Travel, that crazy two-week-long one with the Fortress of Cheese and ending with haikus and limericks), that’s pretty much true.

I have more to say, but I’m out of time.

Kevan: he/him

03-04-2014 15:05:11 UTC

I don’t think that’s intrinsic to a Metadynasty - a victory condition can (and often does) come from someone other than the Emperor.


04-04-2014 03:54:41 UTC



04-04-2014 04:42:03 UTC


Kevan: he/him

04-04-2014 08:29:10 UTC

against Self-kill.