Proposal: Know Thy Enemy
As a result of this proposal, High Command has discovered that what it previously thought was possible, in fact was not. Over the course of the next year, paper will be reintroduced to offices and legislation will prevent the production of sliced bread. The officers now just want this proposal out of sight, and out of mind.
Reporting, Devenger.
Adminned at 16 Feb 2009 06:34:22 UTC
Add a Rule called, “Know Thy Enemy”:
There is a second Generic Nomic Data Tracker in the sidebar called the ‘Enemy GNDT’, separate and apart from the existing GNDT (the ‘Soldier GNDT’). References to ‘GNDT’ refer to the Soldier GNDT by default. Any Soldier may update any Enemy Combatant’s data via the Enemy GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it. Access, passwords, contested alterations, update logging, and dice rolling shall follow the same rules as the Soldier GNDT.
When a Skirmish begins, each Enemy Combatant and their Attributes as defined in the Skirmish Post shall be added to the Enemy GNDT. When that Skirmish ends, those same Enemy Combatants shall be removed.
Each Enemy Attribute to be tracked in the Enemy GNDT is defined as a sub-rule to this rule. Each should specify a name, valid values, a default value, and the rules for tracking it.
I hope this will make some things a lot easier.
Kevan: he/him
Given that combatants only exist for the duration of a skirmish blog post, couldn’t we just track this in comments? It seems like a lot of work to add, update and remove a bunch of combatants for every skirmish post.