Proposal: Know When To Hold Em
Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 16:59:01 UTC
Replace the text of the rule “Kahuna Local Rules” with the following text:
Each Meeple has a publicly-tracked Hand that is a list of up to 6 numbers, defaulting to an empty list. There is a publicly-tracked Royal Hand that defaults to an empty list.
As a Phase 2 Turn Action, a Meeple may perform one of the following actions if they meet the criteria for that action:
* If that Meeple has a Hand with 4 or less numbers, they may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type and add the individual die results (rather than the sum of the dice) from that roll to their Hand.
* If that Meeple has non-empty Hand, they may set their Hand to an empty list.A Meeple’s Hand has a Rank determined by the pattern of numbers in that Meeple’s Hand. A Hand’s Rank is Unranked if that Hand has less than 6 numbers in it; an Unranked Hand has the same Rank as any other Unranked Hand. If it is not Unranked, a Hand’s Rank is the first criteria that it meets from the list below, starting at the top of the list in order from highest Rank to lowest Rank as follows:
* 6 of the same number
* 5 of the same number and any other number
* 6 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers
* 4 of the same number and 2 of the same other number
* 5 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers and any other number
* 4 of the same number and any 2 other numbers
* 3 of the same number, 2 of the same other number, and any other number
* 4 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers and any 2 other numbers
* 2 of the same number, 2 of the same other number, and any 2 other numbers
* 3 of the same number and any 3 other numbers
* 2 of the same number and any 4 other numbers
* Any combination of numbers not already described aboveWhen comparing two Hands, if neither are Unranked and both have the same Rank, the Hand whose sum of its numbers is higher is considered to have the higher Rank of those two Hands. If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, that Meeple may set the Royal of Kahuna to their name and set the Royal Hand to their Hand.
Some pseudo card playing mechanics, trying to get the best “poker” hand. I figure if Island of Kittens is snakes-and-ladders, the next step up is to have Kahuna be the card-playing island.
Raven1207: he/they
I like this local rule