Proposal: Knowledge and integrity.
passes quorum (8) to 1, lars atomica
You feel wise!
Adminned at 05 Apr 2006 11:03:53 UTC
Add a new rule entitled “Monk Stats” to the ruleset. It contains the following text:
Each Monk has several Stats representing various measures of that Monk‘s Monking abilities. These are tracked in the GNDT.
Add a subrule to the rule entitled “Monk Stats”. Call it “Integrity”. Give it the following text:
Integrity is the measure of how Monkly a Monk‘s charactor is. Whenever a Monk undergoes a Vow, e gains 2 Integrity per day if it is voluntary, or 1 per day if it isn’t, until it is removed. Whenever a Monk breaks a Vow, e loses 5 Integrity and any further Integrity bonuses from that Vow. New Monks start with an Integrity of 10.
Add a subrule to the rule entitled “Monk Stats”. Call it “Knowledge”. Give it the following text:
Knowledge is the measure of how much a Monk knows about Monking.
When each Monk votes on a Proposal, e may accompany eir vote with one or more relevant verses from the King James Bible (found HERE in the columns “Old Testament” and “New Testament”). After that Proposal becomes Enacted or Failed, e may increase eir Knowledge by 1 at any time in the next 24 hours, up to 1 per Proposal e did this on. However, if the Abbot believes the verse(s) is(are) irrelevant, e may deduct 2 from that Monk‘s Knowledge. New Monks start with a Knowledge of 2.
Add a subrule to the rule entitled “Monk Stats”. Call it “Fitness”. Give it the following text:
Fitness is the measure of how physically able a Monk is.
At present, there is no way of changing a Monk‘s Fitness. A new Monk has a Fitness of 20.
Add any necessary rows to the GNDT (i.e. don’t add Fitness if it’s already there) and set each Monk’s Stats to the values for new Monks. Set the Abbot’s Knowledge to 100, eir Integrity to 50 and eir Fitness to 30.