Proposal: Laborem fatigat
Self-killed. —Brendan
Adminned at 02 Dec 2010 10:24:24 UTC
If the"Mortals” exists, replace all instances of “Optimus Divinity” with “Imperatrix” (including within Subrules)
If the Proposal “Ozymandias” did not pass, the rest of this Proposal does nothing.
Replace “the Optimus Divinity may create new, Alive mortals with a blank Legacy” with:
the Imperatrix may create new, Alive mortals with a blank Legacy.
Rename the GNDT column “OldName” to “Nomen”,
and replace “The Old Name of the Divinity known as Alecto is always “Alectoâ€.†with:
The Nomen of the Divinity known as Alecto is always “Alectoâ€.
I don’t mind having a few things to do. I feel that “Optimus Divinity” shouldn’t be a job. Can I have wiki access if this passes, please?
Kevan: he/him